Hey Gang, new forum member here. I purchased an 11 LR4 a few weeks ago. Has 72K on it. Drove great for 2 weeks and that was it since I have had it. Have replaced the low and high pressure fuel pumps, all 8 injectors, and the crankshaft position sensor.
Still have a hard (long) start when cold and after some unspecified amount of time when running, I get a rough idle, check engine, and reduced performance warning. Definetly shows some improvement on power with the new parts but it only ran 60 or so miles before acting up again. Codes are showing misfires. After injector replacements, I did get a code for the Cat Converter one time but hasn't re-appeared. I'm several thousand dollars in and have the same result. The classic definition of insanity... Any thoughts from the group on this? Has anyone tried the Coolant Senor replacement and had the same effect as OP above? Any direction on next steps would be very helpful.
LarryK : It's been a while since I've had that coolant sensor replaced and it's been extremely hot here in Los Angeles so I rarely get an actual cold start to truly test if my issue is gone. HOWEVER, there have been some mornings in the low 60's when I drive to the barn and I get a very faint chug chug while it's running cold (in drive). I don't get any readable misfires or restricted performance codes yet but I'm still not convinced that my sensor was the only issue. Otherwise, she runs stellar. Yes, this is the definition of insanity!!!