I have a service record that describes an incident where the original owner pulled into the LR parking lot saying the low coolant light was on, and that when they opened the hood the reservoir was empty. Front crossover had sprung a leak, and was replaced. I have no idea how long it was driven with low coolant on the way there. That was at 90,000 miles and I'm at close to 150k now.To @powershift ‘s point, are you aware of whether or not the engine has been overheated substantially?
For the Seafoam experiment, yes, just the regular Seafoam spray ought to work. Spray into the cylinder, leave it for a bit, spray again…I’d do 3-4 treatments of it if you have time, letting it soak for 15 minutes between. It probably won’t be a magic fix, but it’s not invasive and it won’t hurt.
On your video, I thought I saw some kind of deep vertical scores on the cylinder wall? I’ve seen one ring break and the broken end cause scoring like that (in a Ford), but I think that’s very rare.
For the seafoam, would I need to siphon any back out afterwards? Or just let it burn off by starting the motor.
I think I see the vertical lines you are talking about, but they didn't seem deep?