Recent content by mjm029

  1. mjm029

    Clips or Studs?

    I have it saved on my computer at home, I will forward it on tomorrow when I return. I did what Disco Mike suggested and went to about 8 different stores and came up with nothing that matched. The ones I ordered have the exact same dimensions and look identical, I wouldn't be surprised if they...
  2. mjm029

    Rear Bumper Problems

    I just wanted to let you know that I checked with my dealer and they wanted to charge me $8 per clip. I found the exact clips online for $8 for 25. Let me know when you get round to replacing them and I will forward you the link or just send you some of my left overs. Cheers for now.
  3. mjm029

    Clips or Studs?

    OK, that took far less time than I though it would. When I owned my Tundra I spent a long time trying to find certain clips so I could avoid the money grabbing dealership. I checked the same website and I found 25 of the clips I need for $4 ($4 shipping) All in I now have 25 clips for the price...
  4. mjm029

    Clips or Studs?

    I checked with my local dealer today and they want $8.09 plus tax for each clip. I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud. I though Toyota were bad wanting $2 each for an item that can't cost more than $0.20 for them to buy in. I guess I will look around but I may just have to buy from the...
  5. mjm029

    Clips or Studs?

    I had a few rear bumber issues that resulted in me taking off the bumber, and a few other bits and pieces. During the removal I noticed that about 6 of the studs/clips that hold the wheel arch trip and rear bumper in place were broken. Has anyone purchased these clips/studs from an online store...
  6. mjm029

    Rear Bumper Problems

    Thanks for sending the link for the bumper pictures. You were right, there really isn't much to the rear bumper and it was just a case of striping it down and clipping it back into place. I did notice that some of the panel clips were damaged beyond repair and I now need to order some new ones...
  7. mjm029

    Rear Bumper Problems

    OK, my first off road experience in the LR3 was a lot of fun but unfortunately I had a slight run in with a large rock. Everything looks to be in good shape apart from my rear bumper. The rock has knocked the rear passenger side bumper out of place. As a result of the rear bumper taking a knock...
  8. mjm029

    one side of my LR3 had lowered

    Land Rover North Houston - I may be making a trip to CA fairly soon just to have this looked at.
  9. mjm029

    one side of my LR3 had lowered

    I had the dealership do a mjor check of everything on my LR3. They said the computer had no faults and it was failry standard for the vehicle to have up to 1 1/4 inch difference. Since they replaced all they tires I haven't visualy noticed a difference but I will break out the tap measure...
  10. mjm029

    LR3 Repair Manual

    I first want to apologize if this question has been asked and answered before but I did several searches in the forum section and came up with no answers. Does anybody know where I can get a copy of a 2006 LR3 Repair Manual? I have searched many other sites but I am having no luck. Any help...
  11. mjm029

    My front breaks

  12. mjm029

    My front breaks

    I know this question has already been asked in a previous thread but I wanted to know at what point the rotors have to be changed? I was just skimming and may have missed the answer but I am at the stage where I do not trust my dealership. I am going to challenge the job myself (I have a...
  13. mjm029

    My front breaks

    $720 seems a tad expensive for just the front brakes. My dealership just quoted me $720 for front and rear, pads and rotors.
  14. mjm029

    one side of my LR3 had lowered

    I am not sure why parking in extended or off road would cause only one side to lower but I suppose it could somehow lead to a leak or faulty sensor. I am not sure why someone would want to park in either mode night after night either. Anyways, I spoke with my dealership after them having the LR3...
  15. mjm029

    Glad to be here!

    I looked into the pricing and in the grand scheme of things they are not too bad. I will wait and see what the dealership is going to do about the tires on the vehicle just and take it from there. If they put cheap, new tires on I may get them traded quick and get some money off the Revo's!

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