
  1. Rebar 911

    Mass Air Flow Sensor Voltage

    I'm looking for help to check my limited knowledge of MAF Sensors and ECU's in my 2012 Land Rover LR4. Issue: Between 40 - 50 mph (1600-2000 rpm) I experience some roughness; feels like lean air fuel ratio issue to diagnose. Actions and Results: 1. I checked my GAP IID Tool for faults. None...
  2. K

    LR3 Dead? ECU/ECM Not Detected. Please Help

    My 2005 LR3 with 170,000 miles recently started having a throttle position sensor issue that caused the land rover to go into limp mode with an engine fault warning. I found a loose connector that goes to the mass air flow sensor and plugged it back in. I then tried to clear the codes on the LR3...
  3. John59

    New to site-longtime Disco1 owner

    Hey, I'm new to this site, I've had my 97 Disco (mfg, 96) for most of it's life. I've plowed with it since I bought it, last winter the ECU gave out-- I'm looking for an ECU and immobilizer out of the same disco--otherwise I have to trailer it 200 miles to the nearest dealer to get a reman...
  4. K

    Have the Transmission, HDC, Brake Light, Suspension Lowering Problem!

    2006 LR3 V6 with 167,000 miles. Last week driving in heavy rain, I got the dreaded Christmas tree of lights on the dash and the suspension lowered. Still had an hour drive home so I pulled off and had a coffee hoping it would just "go away". Since then, it seems to start out OK each morning...

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