Update: Received my GAP tool finally, spendy but seems to be well worth it. So it first time running it, 75+ faults, dating back to 2018, we just bought it in May. Cleared them all out, ran again and 15 came back, manageable. What I found interesting, and curious if anyone else has come across this, 10 of them, engine system faul, trans fault, suspension lowering, all tie back to lost communication with the parking brake module. Parking Brake is lit up on the dash, the brake is actually fine the mechanics said. The other 5 faults are the sun roof, both side mirrors, it says solenoid stuck closed, yet I can move the mirrors manually in and out, so not a huge concern on that. Also says fault for title and telescoping steering wheel, which is odd since both of those functions are manual, not electronic.
Has anyone seen the parking brake module be tied to a variety of faults before? Ran the scan 3 more times, exact same results every time.
Also, if I pull the fuse(s) for the parking brake, will that at least stop the lower suspension and rando trans fault?