Okay, been playing around with the new cheapo "Hitachi-style" compressor. It's louder, for sure. Seems to be engaged and running longer as well. But it does eventually shut off. Occasionally, I will hear an aggressive burst of air being released. Seems like it happens when it is making adjustments. Overall, I would say it's performance is "crude, but effective". The main thing is that I haven't been getting any suspension faults (so far) and it is allowing the vehicle to raise and lower as intended (again, so far). 99% of the time, I'm in normal mode. It's nice to know I can do access or off-road modes if I want. It also gives me the opportunity to tear into the original Hitachi and take a stab as servicing it. From what I've seen, it doesn't look all that hard and it would be good to have a backup in the event I need it.